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Find STRENGTH and SUPPORT within your relationship again

Online couples counselling sessions with Natalie are taliored to suit your relationships needs, including:

An emphasis on Practicality.

Thorough assessment phase to precisely target areas for change.

Strengths are a key component of achieving meaningful change.

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Natalie uses the evidence-based Gottman Method

The Gottman Method is the Gold standard for couples therapy with over 40 years of research to inform the process. This simply means that it has been clinically tested over and over as a successful approach to helping couples manage conflict, restore friendship, connection and start working together again for a shared future together

Who is Natalie Turvey?

Natalie is the Principal Psychologist, and Director of Drop Of Life Psychology Clinic plus the international author of ‘Unbreakable Relationships for Self, Lovers and Others’ and the online portal 'Nat - Nurturing Healthier Relationships'.  

She has over 20 years experience working with the human condition. She absolutely loves working with couples and guides them to gain the tools to feel heard, seen, and confident that their partner will be there for them when they need them. 


 All sessions are conducted through a secure online video conferencing software, for your convenience and ease.
Session times range from 50 - 120 minutes depending on couple's needs with the following format:
ASSESSMENT ($1000.00) 

Session 1
Couples attend the first session together. Their history is gathered, and a review of the reasons for attending therapy. The expectations for the relationship and therapy are established. On the completion of the session, couples will be asked to complete a comprehensive online questionnaire. 

Session 4

The feedback session. Based on session 1,2,3 and the questionnaire results. During this session, goals are established and the couples, strengths and weakness are clarified and a treatment plan devised.  TREATMENT ($3000 aprox) 

MAINTENANCE (Fees are variable on needs of couples)
After your intensive 6 weeks you will have gained valuable tools and understanding of each other. The idea of maintenance phase is to practice and become confident with the new strategies and skills, and your ability to consistently implement them. Majority of couples will schedule a few 2 hours session while they master their new found skills.

Session 2 & 3

Individual sessions with each couple, where further information is gathered regarding background, family of origin, health, previous relationships and commitment to the relationship,  

Ongoing Intervention

The intensive intervention stage is where sessions focus on repairing and gaining insight into your old patterns of behaviours and the ultimate ‘Gridlock fighting’. We will unpack and understand past hurts and gain the tools to become more attuned to each other’s needs and wants in the relationship.
These sessions will be conducted in 2 hour blocks over 6 weeks. At the end of the 6 weeks, we will review the needs of the relationship and possibly move into Phase 3 

If you have a private health insurance, you may be entitled  to a rebate. Contact [email protected] for more information.

Ready to strengthen your relationship?

 Enter your information to receive your invoice for your Initial Session. Once your invoice is paid, you will receive a booking link.  


© 2019 Natalie Turvey

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